
[alert type=”yellow” icon=””] Playing each player pauses rest of the players. Multi audio play capability through audio shortcode [/alert] [divider top=”40″ bottom=”20″ style=”blank”]

Instance 1

[audioplayer title=”Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude no.1″ mp3=”″ m4a=”” oga=””] [divider top=”40″ bottom=”20″ style=”blank”]

Instance 2

[audioplayer title=”Custom Title” mp3=”″ m4a=”” oga=””] [divider top=”40″ bottom=”20″ style=”blank”]

Instance 3

[audioplayer title=”Play Pauses all others” mp3=”″ m4a=”” oga=””] [divider top=”40″ bottom=”20″ style=”blank”]

Instance 4

[audioplayer title=”Responsive player” mp3=”″ m4a=”” oga=””] [divider top=”40″ bottom=”20″ style=”blank”]

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