best of redskins-seahawks photos

(photo by Brian Murphy)

While most fans of the Washington Redskins settle for a view of their favorite team’s games from a recliner or the cheap seats, I’m fortunate enough to be on the sidelines each and every Sunday.

Even now, in my seventh season, I still get chills as I walk out onto the sidelines before a Redskins game. By the time the national anthem is finished, I’m so fired up I feel like I could take the field myself (which is a terrible idea).

During the course of a standard three-hour football game, I take roughly 1,500 photos. Out of those, I hope to walk away with 10-15 compelling images that best represent that particular contest.

I’m looking for action shots. I’m aiming for reaction shots. I’m trying to get portraits of the players on the sidelines.

Basically, I’m trying to tell a story with my photos. And if I’m lucky, I end up with a shot or two like the one at the top of this post — the one of Redskins running back Roy Helu getting absolutely drilled by Seattle Seahawks safety Kam Chancellor.

Capturing a photo like that — at the exact moment of impact  — with the rain coming down and everything is what photographers dream of. Trust me, I could shoot another seven years worth of games and not get anything close to that.

A lot of luck and a little bit of skill go a long way when it comes to sports photography. At any rate, I just wanted to share with fellow ‘Skins fans a few of my favorite shots from the Redskins 23-17 win over the Seahawks. Click here for the full gallery.

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