a frosty world

It didn’t come easy, but the Redskins made their cuts and are now down to the required 53-man roster. And unlike other towns where running backs like Rudi Johnson or quarterbacks like Joey Harrington were sent packing, the story locally was all about the punter “competition” between Derrick Frost and Durrant Brooks. Here’s an excerpt from David Elfin:

“They said the competition was even, but it definitely wasn’t,” said Frost, who averaged 45.5 yards gross and 32.3 net to Brooks’ 42.8 and 34.5. “I started the last game, and I definitely outplayed him after they said it was even going in. It was a sham. There was no competition. I think [special teams coach Danny Smith’s] hands were tied.”

That meant Frost, who is pictured above chatting with Homer McFanboy on the sidelines during last week’s Jaguars game, was suddenly looking for a new employer. It didn’t take him long to find a new home, and some would argue he’s in a much better situation now that he’s signed with the Green Bay Packers (clearly they sensed what kind of impact player Frost is, bringing in #4 as soon as Brett Favre leaves town).

After his first day on the job, Frost had a chance to talk with the Packers media and still couldn’t help but take one more little jab at the ‘Skins.

“Last year, looking back at it, I think I kicked too many balls,” said Frost. “I think I wore myself out. I’m a real hard-nosed guy and I work really hard, and sometimes I don’t work smart. This offseason, I really focused on working smarter.”

Sounds to me like Frost felt if GIbbs offense scored half as often as he had to bail them out, then he’d have been a lot fresher for his “competition” this year. Okay, I’m really reading into nothing and completely making stuff up at this point, but the truth is I’m a Frosty fan (I mean, do you see the photo of us chatting at the top of this post?) and thought he outplayed the rookie.

Do I blame the front office for keeping a punter they used a draft pick on? Of course not. But that doesn’t mean you’ll see Brooks and I being buddy-buddy on the sidelines any time soon.


  1. Rick
    September 3, 2008 at 12:28 pm

    I think was a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. As long as Brooks punted decently and showed potential he was going to make the roster, and it’s Frost’s fault. It wasn’t just because Brooks was a sixth round pick. I think the ‘skins wanted consistency. And watching frost out punt the competition in the presean (again ie david lonie) then have another mediocre year was not gonna happen. Brooks outpunted Frost until the last game when the team let him know it was really on the line. The fact he so clearly improved was a much damning as anything else. The ‘skins want a guy who can punt, every game, as though his job depended on it.

    just my .02

  2. Hail2theChief
    September 3, 2008 at 4:04 pm

    Man Murph, you gotta grow dude. Because Frost wasn’t given the job and Brooks was yuo are not going to tak to him? You are not going to interview him because he wasn’t the guy you wanted to to be the PUNTER?! Way to be objectionable.

  3. b murf
    September 3, 2008 at 5:35 pm

    I guess I should have mentioned that as a general rule you don’t interview punters. I’m not ignoring the rookie, I’m just going back to a rule that I shouldn’t have forgotten to begin with.

  4. KurtKrol
    September 5, 2008 at 9:54 am

    Brooks looked terrible last night against the Giants. If that’s the consistency we’re gonna see at least Frost made good punts in the mix.

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