fantasy football

(photo by Brian Murphy)

Did Pro Bowl tight end Chris Cooley really just post a link to my interview audio, post my photos and give me a shout out (“Photo credits go to Brian Murphy and as always they have the best stuff”)? Clearly, this world no longer makes sense.

And don’t even mention that he talks about sporting an “elephant thong” before he gets around to me. I know where I rank in the grand scheme of things, and have no problem with where I sit on the depth chart.

This is the point where I state the obvious — Cooley is the most popular player on the Redskins roster. So much so, that Dale Earnhardt Jr. is on the record saying he’d “give everything he’s got” to be Chris Cooley for a year. I, on the other hand, am a nobody. Dale Earnhardt Jr. wouldn’t want to be me for 10 minutes — even if I was playing a NASCAR video game as him.

This proves two things. The first, I won’t be going back to cover any more days of training camp. Why bother? I can’t do any better than this. And two, I will most certainly draft Cooley on my fantasy football team. If he’s willing to show some love to a nobody keeping him from the nice, air conditioned building to ask stupid questions about the ‘Skins’ Ultimate Fighter, then the least I can do is use my first-round pick on him.

1 comment

  1. Tanner Cooley
    July 21, 2008 at 4:24 pm

    Great job covering practice yesterday. Your pictures were awesome. If you have any good ones of Chris that you didn’t put up please email them to me


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