All posts in caption this


caption this 20: enigma edition

(photo by Clyde Caplan)

Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of “caption this.”

The game is fairly simple, as you hopefully know by now. I supply the photo and you bring the witty reader-submitted captions. You might not win any cool prizes, but you’ll be formally recognized for being better than your peers and will get some love here on the blog.

Here’s my humble offering for this photo to help get folks started:

“Wait … when did the Caps get that guy from the Saturday Night Live sketch?”

Think you can do better? Leave a comment below with your best caption.

[Editor’s note: The winner is Paige with a caption of, “Mom, how come Semin doesn’t get a timeout when HE shits the bed?!” Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.]


caption this 19: caps-bruins edition

(photo by Clyde Caplan)

Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of “caption this.”

The game is fairly simple, as you hopefully know by now. I supply the photo and you bring the witty reader-submitted captions. You might not win any cool prizes, but you’ll be formally recognized for being better than your peers and will get some love here on the blog.

Here’s my humble offering for this photo to help get folks started:

“Although Dennis Wideman contested the shot, Rich Peverly still hit nothing but net.”

Think you can do better? Leave a comment below with your best caption.

[Editor’s note: The winner is john with a caption of, Somewhere Alex Semin is smiling and saying (in Russian), “I taught him how to do that!” Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.]


caption this 18: redskins-giants edition

(photo by Brian Murphy)

Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of “caption this.”

The game is fairly simple, as you hopefully know by now. I supply the photo and you bring the witty reader-submitted captions. You might not win any cool prizes, but you’ll be formally recognized for being better than your peers and will get some love here on the blog.

Here’s my humble offering for this photo to help get folks started:

“After seeing the carnage left in his wake, Kevin Barnes immediately regretted challenging London Fletcher to a dance off.”

Think you can do better? Leave a comment below with your best caption.

And to see my best photos of the Redskins-Giants game, click this link.

[Editor’s note: The winner is Eric with a caption of, You’ve been hit by … You’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal!” Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.]


caption this 17: friendly rivalry edition

(photo by Brian Murphy)

Sure, the Washington Redskins lost to the hated Dallas Cowboys and the 2011 season hasn’t exactly gone according to plan, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have a little fun.

With that in mind, back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of “caption this.”

The game is fairly simple, as you hopefully know by now. I supply the photo and you bring the witty reader-submitted captions. You might not win any cool prizes, but you’ll be formally recognized for being better than your peers and will get some love here on the blog.

Here’s my humble offering for this photo to help get folks started:

“It must be December, because Tony Romo looks like he’s screwed.”

Think you can do better? Leave a comment below with your best caption.

[Editor’s note: The winner is michelle with a caption of, “If things don’t work out in Dallas, Jason Garrett is more than qualified to take over at Penn State.” Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.]


caption this 16: redskins-dolphins edition

(photo by Brian Murphy)

Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of “caption this.”

The game is fairly simple, as you hopefully know by now. I supply the photo and you bring the witty reader-submitted captions. You might not win any cool prizes, but you’ll be formally recognized for being better than your peers and will get some love here on the blog.

Here’s my humble offering for this photo to help get folks started:

“Okay, look, I’ll give you your flag back if you stop intercepting my passes. Deal?”

Think you can do better? Leave a comment below with your best caption.

And to see my best photos of the Redskins-Dolphins game, click this link.

[Editor’s note: The winner is Christopher with a caption of, “Wanna see Shanahan turn purple? Watch this next pass.” Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.]


caption this 15: redskins-49ers edition

(photo by Brian Murphy)

Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of “caption this.”

The game is fairly simple, as you hopefully know by now. I supply the photo and you bring the witty reader-submitted captions. You might not win any cool prizes, but you’ll be formally recognized for being better than your peers and will get some love here on the blog.

Here’s my humble offering for this photo to help get folks started:

“Maybe Mike Shanahan’s decision to hire Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka as an assistant coach wasn’t such a bad idea after all.”

Think you can do better? Leave a comment below with your best caption.

And to see my best photos of the Redskins-49ers game, click this link.

[Editor’s note: The winner is RememberOsaka with a caption of, “Misguided rookie Niles Paul upon learning that Daniel Snyder paid $100 million for bellyflops.” Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.]


caption this 14: redskins-panthers edition

(photo by Brian Murphy)

Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of “caption this.”

The game is fairly simple, as you hopefully know by now. I supply the photo and you bring the witty reader-submitted captions. You might not win any cool prizes, but you’ll be formally recognized for being better than your peers and will get some love here on the blog.

Here’s my humble offering for this photo to help get folks started:

“I don’t want to suggest that Cam Newton pulled that touchdown out of his ass, but …”

Think you can do better? Leave a comment below with your best caption.

And to see my best photos of the Redskins-Panthers game, click this link.

[Editor’s note: It pains me to say it, but the winner is Joel with a caption of, “And thus, Cam Newton’s touchdown celebration was tainted.” Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun.]

HomerMcFanboy background image